Thursday, 3 January 2013


I decided to replicate the image I took at my Grandma's house, by taking a photograph of my partners bedroom wall, using the same composition but in the modern day.

f3.5, 1/13, ISO 640

I originally took this photograph where there were two photographs hung on the wall, and because of how narrow the room was, it meant that I could not get all of the desk, as well as the wall in shot. Therefore, today, I decided to move the desk underneath one of the paintings that most matched the painting at my Grandma's house. I felt this composition worked better than the other image, as it looked similar, which is the idea that I am aiming for.

This was the photograph that I took beforehand, when I did not move the desk. The composition does not work, as you cannot see how it relates to the dated image at all, and it just does not look visually pleasing!

I decided to place my photographs together in the same format, so that I could see the similarities, and so that the viewer could too. I feel that this works really well as a presentation idea, as you can see the two images together in the same document means that you can see the concept more clearly and make judgements for yourself. For my final submission, I think that I will be using this presentation method with all of my images!

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