Wednesday, 12 December 2012

The Photograph as Contemporary Art by Charlotte Cotton - Research Into the Work of Wim Wenders

I've always loved this book, and remember from my time of reading its entirety the way that Charlotte Cotton referred to the work of Wim Wenders on pages 123-125, with the photograph titled 'Wall in Paris, Texas, 2001' on page 124. Charlotte Cotton writes 'Wenders is better known for his feature films, but he uses still photography when a site carries its own story and does not require him to construct one cinematically.'

Wim Wenders. Wall in Paris, Texas, 2001.

She then continues to write 'In Wall in Paris, Texas, the cracks in the road and the plaster on the side of the building that has fallen away to reveal the brickwork beneath create an allegory of the deterioration and fragility of the place, emphasized by the fraught diagonal lines of the power cables dissecting the image.' When Cotton talks about deterioration, this makes me think about how I can photograph the contrast of modern and dated interiors, comparing how times change and that decor and taste have changed.

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