Wednesday, 19 December 2012

Further Thoughts...

After thinking more about my project and how I can relate my work and become inspired by the photographs that Wim Wenders has produced, I decided to look at his book and think about the ideas that I set out in both of my proposals. I plan now to take another set of photographs in my Grandma's house, as the first time I visited with the intention of taking photographs, I was rushed. I feel if I have more time then I can take some more inspirational images that are inspired exclusively by the work of Wenders.

When photographing my first proposal, using old vs modern signage and street interiors, I found it too difficult to find places that fit the bill, so to speak, and the photographs that I produced were not great at all. I plan to still continue experimenting with the two ideas I planned in my proposals, as I am still not sure what I want to achieve. Looking at my photographs that I taken so far though, I think that I am going to make my second proposal, taking photographs of the contrast between dated and modern homes, through to be my final project.

After taking a few photographs and thinking about both of the proposals together, I have decided to photograph my Grandma's old house she lived in before she died.

The photographs I took regarding my proposal idea number one were really mundane, I didn't feel at all interested in taking any photographs and found it difficult to research because of the lack of interest. I know that I am not going to enjoy every aspect of photographs, and sometimes I will hate some areas of my job and career, but I wanted to enjoy emulating Wim Wenders work, and did not want to be stuck with a bad mental image of his work. I realised that emulating Wim Wenders work was going to be difficult; his work was highly influenced by the American culture and I could not emulate this.

The photographs I have taken so far of my Grandma's house have been visually appealing and the project is very exciting for me to proceed with!

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